Monday, August 11, 2008

Food, Friends, Four-Letter Words and Five Cent Blinds

We ended the work week in a perfect way. The San Rafael Hyams clan was up visiting the Truckee Hyams clan and they extended an invite to us for a BBQ on the West Shore. Knowing what a fantastic cook Mary is and the fact that Mike was visiting from NY, Christine and I knew we had to go. And what a treat it was...not only was the whole group there, but the food was fantastic! Flank steak, corn on the cob with chipotle butter, vermicelli salad, black bean, tomato & avocado salad, followed by cookies....oi vey!

We worked off dinner with a little swing time and then sat by the shore watching the sun drift into sleep.

Along with the sun, we bid the grandparents and Keelan goodnight...

After a run home to change up, we hit the Pastime for an evening feeding endless quarters into the shuffleboard table.

Twas a night of plenty of laughs and memories to add to our "Why We Love the Hyams Family" list

Saturday was all about packing for my trip and then babysitting Keelan with Christine. Thanks to Elliot and Emma, he can now officially meow perfectly! (This is the the 4-letter word to which the title refers)

Sunday, C, Taude, Karlberger and I hit the surface of Tahoe for some paddleboarding, chowed some Izzy burgers and then went home to clean, read, sleep, pack, etc.

I reunited with Christine at her house and Danny & Reno arrived for some Peluso's & Poker.

Christine won but only because she bullied us around (and it was her change).

This was my last weekend before my trip and I must say, it was perfect. Time with family, friends...Fun in the sun...Endless hours watching Keelan in all his toddler greatness and kicking back on C's porch. I'm gonna miss it all.

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