Thursday, November 20, 2008

Matt Sartain for certain!

On her recent trip to San Fran for the Abobe Max conference, C was sending me random photos of fish, African musicians and handwriting analysts that looked like psychics.  All par for the course with her and for the city by the Bay.  

Also right on track was Christine's spotting of phenomenal art.  This time in the form of SF-based photographer, Matt Sartain.  While the 'net is limited on info for him, his website offered a brief peek at his large-scale talent.  Using his city as his backdrop, Mr. Sartain creates surreal images that evoke remembrances of past dreams and fairy tales.


poeta fit, non nascitur said...

beautiful pictures!

Rob said...

Sweet images! I also like the fish feeding app. Where do you find these things?

Meesh said...

Thanks! I spend a bit of time digging through blogs and farming links. Tabs are the best thing that could have happened to web browsers. ;)