Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baby, it's cold outside.

It's dreary here. Drizzle and wind with snow threatening to fall. As I bundled up to leave for work this morning, I thought of this painting. Oh, how I wish I could smuggle a little bird in my hat and keep him warm through the storm. Hang tough out there, little buddies. There's warmer weather on the horizon.

Girly with Birdy by Julia Humpfer aka HerbstKind


Anonymous said...

Hi. Pretty pics! A blog entry idea I'm throwing around to people: describe yourself. Who you are, where you come from, what makes you who you are today, what you love, what you hate, who you love, who you hate, what are your dreams/wishes/goals, what you wish you could change about your life, what you think other people think of you, what regrets you have, what inspires you, what makes you get up in the morning, what you do when you're bored, what you think you're good at, what you're bad at... this helps your readers get to know you! People always want to feel like they know a little more about the random blog person they've come across. Just an idea for ya! I would love to know more about you!
Thanks, Maddie

Meesh said...

Thanks for the comment and I accept the challenge. While I'm working out the details, you can read a little bit about me here: http://yespleease.blogspot.com/2008/07/50-things.html