and for the non anti-blog folks:
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
On to happier things
and for the non anti-blog folks:
Anonymity gives strength

Monday, September 29, 2008
And I did do it my way!
We selected our drinks, selected our entrees and dug into some appetizers. Everyone has varying opinions on the place...the margaritas were a bit sweet but all guests are given a free shot of tequila, my tamales were incredibly dry but we couldn't keep Christine out of Kenon's Crab Chimichanga, the servers were friendly, the atmosphere was perfect for large or small groups and we were right across from the lake. One thing nobody denied was the tastiness of their tortilla chips. They were as delicate as tissue paper with just the right dusting of salt. In the end, I don't think I would head back there for dinner but definitely a spot for drinks and light snacks with my crew.

Saturday was all about getting prettied up by Jessica at The Balcony. My stylist for over a year now, she is a goddess and I really don't know what state my hair would be in if Karen hadn't pushed me into her chair. After snipping and coloring, I met up with C & Danny for a shopping excursion to Reno. Then a viewing of Maverick at my house.
Sunday was the day we'd all been looking forward to the whole weekend. I packed my bags and directed the Saabaru to Christine's. Once there we started in on breakfast...the must-anticipated ricotta pancakes with fresh fruit syrup, savory sausage and of course, bacon.

This is what happens when I leave C to watch the pancakes for 5 minutes. We made her eat those ones. ;)

After digesting, we loaded into Danny's truck and hit our favorite beach. Where I proceeded to dig for more breakfast inspiration...

While Reno swam,

C & Keelan played and Danny paddled...

While we couldn't have asked for better weather, the best part about the whole day was that everyone came out to soak up the rays and relax in the sand. Thanks all for another memorable day (and weekend) all was exactly what I needed.

Next weekend: Boat camping at Bullards!

Friday, September 26, 2008
After today, it's Saturday & Sunday my way!

'Til Monday, I hope you find yourself doing things Sinatra-style!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ode to Fall
Usually not one who can sit by idly and watch someone else cook, I was fully entertained by my chef for evening as he sliced, grated, stirred, sniffed and seasoned. I perched in a chair or atop the counter so as to have the best view of the action (my prickly pear libation not far from reach).
As the soup came together, it was time to start the sandwiches. Heirlooms, goat cheese, arugula all grilled up between two crusty pieces of sourdough. The sight of these sitting open-faced in the pan was beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, that I couldn’t peel my eyes away to grab the camera. (Bad Meesh!). But trust me, the green and beet red tomatoes with their signature swirls, laid out over creamy cheese and soon topped with zesty arugula was truly picture worthy. Alas, I couldn’t stand and admire the food all night. Tom nudged me out of my trance by handing me the “lids” to the sandwiches. A few more minutes of toasting, a ladling of creamy pumpkin goodness in the gourd shells, a little cream, seeds and nutmeg/cinnamon sprinkling and it was time to eat.
Now, I shouldn’t have to tell you how amazing this was ‘cause, if you know me, you know I wouldn’t write about it unless I couldn’t get my mind off of it. But let me take a few to relive the flavors…smooth pumpkin taken a notch up on the richness scale by the heavy cream whipped into a frenzy and dolloped on top.Salty, crunchy pumpkin seeds mingling with little chunks of pumpkin flesh scraped carefully from the sides. Ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon coming in to finish it off and leaving behind a unique yet nostalgic taste.
While leaning back in my chair and praising the pumpkins, I glanced down to see the sandwich glancing up at me.
I was so overtaken by the soup that I had forgotten there was more to this autumnalmeal. I took a breath and then I took a bite…and then nearly shed a tear. Really, what is more perfect that warm Chevre let alone warm goat cheese crowned with moist, juicy tomatoes all mixing together to coat the surface of sour bread? (Aside from the aforementioned soup, that is). Tom couldn’t help but break into smile at my apparent proximity to food nirvana and I couldn't blame him. Being a happy eater all my life, it’s not hard to tell when I am really enjoying something. And this I was loving!
A few more nibbles on my sandwich and a dozen or so more teaspoons of soup and I could eat no more. I tucked the sandwich and pumpkin bowl aside so that C could have a wee sample of the dishes and know that I haven’t flipped my lid over just any ol’ meal nor put aside my kitchen control issues for any old chef.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sarah Jane's Wednesday Web Wares

Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy 1st day of my favorite season!

P to the O to the S to the H
"At some in your life, you want something that is real!" That thought is what drives P.O.S.H to search high & low for the items that stock its shelves- an eclectic assortment of vintage Hotel Silver, Restaurant China & Flea Market finds. Found in such disparate places as old American china warehouses to the antique markets and auctions houses of Europe, the items sold at P.O.S.H are often one-of-a-kind or limited in quantity.
I must admit that I am smitten with their selection of items and return to browse quite often. Here are some of my current favorites:
Bistro Pads
Unused, vintage Bistro Order Pads found at market in the city of Blois, France. Supplied by beverage companies, they were a popular form of advertising in the café culture of France. These would be perfect for jotting down recipes, shopping lists or Rummy scores.
Baker's Twine
I would prefer to use these in their intended manner: tying up baked goods and packages. However, I know Elliot & Emma would find their own pleasure in batting them about the house.

Vintage Czech Shoulder Bag
Vintage Chicago Athletic Association Plate and Boullion Cup & Saucers
Acquired at auction, china produced exclusively for the Chicago Athletic Association (CAA), one of Chicago's oldest and most distinguished private social clubs. Reflecting the gracious heritage of the now-shuttered club, it is a reminder of a simpler time and of a proud era in our city's history. The club's distinctive Cherry Circle logo is probably one of the most famous cases of mistaken identity. First appearing in 1915, the unmistakable cherry red C within a blue circle later went on to also become the logo for a certain beloved local baseball team. Indeed when CAA member William Wrigley purchased the Chicago Cubs in 1925, the team adopted the Association's logo and continues to use a variation to this day.
Set of 3 Bon Appetit tea towels
This store is on my ever-growing list of must-visits in the Windy City. If you are ever there or have ever gone, let me know what you think.
P.O.S.H Chicago613 N. State Street
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 280-1602